
10 Characteristics to consider when choosing a new Childcare centre.

There are a few important considerations to make while choosing the ideal childcare centre for your child. In this blog, we will examine ten attributes that have the potential to greatly impact your child’s early education:

1. Ownership Structure

In the private childcare centre space, is the centre family owned and operated vs owned and operated by a large public corporation. In my view, family owned and operated is best. A family owned and operated childcare centre generally means that the owner of the centre is intimately involved in the day to day running of the centre. The private owner will have a flat management structure, this means the owner is able to pivot and change quickly to meet the needs of families. A centre operated by a large public corporation may be slow to react and ham strung by multiple layers of management and rigid policies.

2. Experience Matters

Length of experience in operating a childcare centre. Kids World Kindy has more than 29 years’ experience in the operation and delivery of childcare. For a new provider of childcare, the first 3 to 5 years are often the most challenging. Like anything new, it takes time to develop your rhythm and rhythm. The biggest challenges are centred around developing a workable roster, daily routine and working relationships amongst educators and management.

3. Effective Communication

Your ability to communicate with the centre’s Nominated Supervisor and your child’s primary care givers. Relationships are key, open, and honest communication, built on the foundation of empathy and ethics are critical for a positive childcare experience.

4. Realistic Expectations

Look beyond marketing campaigns which imply the centre is doing something no one else is providing. There is nothing new under the sun. Our day is centred around a daily routine which includes, playtime, school readiness time, creative arts, language experiences, wellness practices and rituals, cooking experiences, active outdoor play experiences, mealtimes, rest time etc, Talk to your childcare centre about their daily routine.

5. Engaged Environment

Are children who currently attend the Service engaged in the centre’s program. Arrange a Tour of the centre. Do you see children engaged in play? Are children and Educators communicating with each other in a positive way?

6. Adequate Resources

The childcare centre has adequate resources and sufficient in number for the number of children attending the centre. While participating in a tour of the centre, look at the equipment being offered to children. Is the equipment readily accessible by the children? Can you see equipment and resources your child is interested in? Speak to the childcare centre about your child’s current interests, ask if the centre can provide resources and equipment which meets their interests.

7. Organisational Efficiency

The childcare centre is well organised. One look at the centres administrative space should provide clues to their organisation skills. A well organised centre will be efficient in organising your weekly fee accounts, applying your childcare subsidy entitlements and any relevant start strong payments.

8. Safety First

The building is safe, secure, and well maintained. Doors, locks, and gates are in good working order. A new building never stays in mint condition for long, marks on the wall are common from the hype of activity which occurs in every centre. We need the children to be always safe.

9. Cleanliness Standards

The centre is clean and tidy. Just like at home, the biggest mess is generally made during mealtimes and messy play. Childcare centre Educators always ensure mealtime and messy play is cleaned up soon after the activity ends. Check to ensure there is no build-up of grim and that the centre is being cleaned every day.

10. Inclusive Support

Children with additional needs are well supported. Speak to the Nominated Supervisor about your child’s individual circumstances. Does the centre develop an Individual Education Plan for children with additional needs? Has the centre developed an Inclusion Support Pan? Does the centre receive funding for additional support workers?


By considering these 10 factors, you can make an informed decision that ensures your child’s early learning journey is filled with joy, safety, and growth.