

New families exploring childcare typically have numerous Questions. Being well-informed is crucial to making the optimal choice for both your child and your family. Ultimately, you’re seeking a childcare provider that will collaborate with you in nurturing and supporting your child’s growth.

At Kids World Kindy, we’re grateful for your consideration and are happy to help you with any questions you have about childcare. We eagerly anticipate the journey ahead with you!

Starting Childcare

What is a good age to start childcare?

The best time to start childcare depends on what works best for your family. Some parents prefer to start later, while others decide to begin as soon as they have to go back to work. However, at Kids World Kindy, we believe that the earlier your child is introduced to our childcare setting, the better they will adapt. They benefit from our nurturing environment, early socialisation opportunities, and play-based curriculum. It’s critical to find a balance that guarantees your child feels comfortable, safe, and supported in their childcare setting. That’s why we welcome children aged 0-5 to embark on their childcare journeys with us.

When should I start looking for childcare?

Families are encouraged to start looking for childcare, soon after making the decision that their child will need to attend childcare.

How can I prepare my child for their transition to childcare?

A Child’s transition to childcare can be a stressful one to both parents and children. It is important to Maintain a positive outlook and be emotionally ready for your child as their nervous system is in sync with yours. Lead by example, as any expressed anxiety or hesitation will immediately be felt by your child.  

It is also important to Participate in the Orientation program. The Orientation program is an opportunity for you and your child to start forming a relationship with your child’s primary Educators. Your child will also become more familiar with our educational program and environment.

Complete and return all enrolment forms. It is also very important for our staff to know the needs and requirements of your child so we can better introduce them into our childcare family!

Have all the items needed for day one. This may include a water bottle, a change of clothing, nappies (for children still wearing nappies), and linen for rest time. Label everything with your child’s full name.

Children with a medical condition. No later than your child’s first day of enrolment, provide your child’s medication and a completed medical management plan.

What documents should I prepare in the lead-up to my child commencing childcare?

Having Your child’s Immunisation Status ready and up-to-date is very important when applying to childcare. If your child has missed immunisations, you can speak to your Doctor now about a catch-up plan. Children on a catch-up plan can be accepted for enrolment.

Have your child’s Birth Certificate available. Can’t find the Birth Certificate? Most childcare centres will also accept a Passport as proof of your child’s date of birth. 

For families applying to the Child Care Subsidy (CCS), it is important to make sure that your child’s CCS has been approved.  Make a claim for the childcare subsidy at least 4 to 8 weeks before your child’s first day of care.

Does my child need to be vaccinated?

Childcare Centres in NSW cannot enrol a child unless the parent/guardian has provided an Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) Immunisation History Statement form that shows that the child:
• is fully immunised for their age, or;
• has a medical reason not to be vaccinated, or;
•  is on a recognised catch-up schedule.

What time does my child start?

Your child’s start and end time will depend on the individual needs of the family.

What does my child need to bring?

All children must bring a bag with their name clearly marked, preferably a backpack so that bags can be kept safely secured in the bag storage area. 

Please bring everyday: 

  • 1 Piece of Fruit (On arrival place in the Services fruit bowl). 
  • Set of sheets for rest time (one fitted and flat sized cot sheet are preferable).  You may also bring one small pillow if needed by your child blanket in cool weather. 
  • One complete change of clothing (including underwear and socks) 
  • Water in an age appropriate drinking bottle, water bottle to be taken home at the end of each day, family to wash water bottle daily with hot water and detergent. 
  • Comfort toy or soft object to hold at rest time (optional) if needed by your child 
  • Pacifier if required (one should always be left at the Centre). 
  • Daily bottle requirements (if required).  

Children still in nappies: 

  • 4 disposable nappies (or sufficient quantity for daily changes). 

Services and Facilities

Where are your Centre's Located?

What is included in my fees?

At Kids World Kindy, we adopt a comprehensive approach to your child’s development and well-being, ensuring we cater to all the needs of both you and your little one. Some of the things our centre provides include:

  • Hats
  • Sunscreen and insect repellent
  • All meals are provided
  • Nappy wipes
  • Educational curriculum
  • Preschool and School Readiness Program

Do you provide Meals?

Absolutely! We offer a full suite of meals throughout the day, including breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, and a late afternoon snack. Our food is carefully selected from Kids Gourmet Food, tailored to meet the individual dietary needs and age requirements of each child. Our Centre also follows the recommended dietary intakes, based on Get up and Grow, Healthy Eating and Physical Activity for Early Childhood, Australian Government. 

With a diverse four-week rotating menu, we introduce children to a variety of flavours. Our menu is thoughtfully crafted in collaboration with nutritionists and dieticians, guaranteeing that your child receives their recommended daily nutritional intake.

Babies: Babies whose eating habits and patterns are developing will be provided with meals which are suited to their stage of development. Please discuss your child’s eating routine at the time of enrolment so that staff are best able to meet your child’s current needs. Families are advised to place only breast milk, formula, plain milk varieties or water in a baby’s bottle.

* Bomaderry Service only – onsite chef with a two week rotating menu.

What is the child to staff ratio?

Our Child to staff ratio varies depending on age:

  • Children aged 0 to 2 years = 1 Educator for every 4 children (1:4)
  • Children aged 2 to 3 years = 1 Educator for every 5 children (1:5)
  • Children aged 3 to 5 years = 1 Educator for every 10 children (1:10)

What if my child has an allergy or dietary requirements?

Where children have special dietary requirements or food allergies/intolerance, families must provide the Service with a list of those foods children must avoid. Families will be asked to check the food choices provided on the Centre’s menu before the foods are provided. Your child’s food allergy/intolerance/preferences will be catered for during meal time. In limited circumstances where the Service is unable to cater to the needs of an individual child the family will be asked to provide all meals for the child.  

Special Diets: Where children are on special diets families are required to provide details of their child’s food needs. In some instances families will be asked to provide all meals for the child where dietary needs are complex.

How do your staff communicate with the parents?

In our childcare facilities, we utilise a platform known as Kinderloop to provide daily updates on your child’s educational journey and well-being. Our dedicated educators embrace a family-centred, collaborative approach, actively sharing insights and knowledge to assist you and your child. Moreover, they make time for meaningful conversations during drop-off and pick-up times, fostering open communication. Additionally, we offer service tours and orientation visits for new families to ensure a smooth transition into our childcare community.

What qualifications do your staff have?

We employ Educator’s with a range of qualifications including Early Childhood Teachers, Diploma in Children’s Services, Certificate III in Children’s Services, Trainees, Cooks and Administration personnel. Educators are trained in First Aid, Asthma and Anaphylaxis. The Service also employees regular Relief staff when required. An Educator/ staff list and qualifications can be found in the Service’s foyer or entrance to your child’s playroom. 

What ages does Kids World Kindy cater for?

Our centres (Burwood, Bomaderry, Guildford, Glenmore Park and Quakers Hill) Cater for ages 0-5, except:
  • Bossley Park – Children aged 18 months to 5 years
  • Fairfield Heights – Children aged 18 months to 5 years

Does your Facility have a playground?

Yes, every Kids World Kindy Service has an outdoor play space.

General FAQs

Is there a minimum number of days my child needs to attend?

Families are required to enrol their child for a minimum of 2 days per week.

How much does it cost to send my child to Kids World Kindy?

The price of childcare varies from one family to another, taking into account factors such as your child’s age, the number of days they attend childcare, and your eligibility for the Child Care Subsidy (CCS). We suggest reaching out to one of our centres, where a team member can provide you with detailed information on the daily fees.

What are your operating hours?

Our operating hours vary depending on the centre: 

  • Bomaderry  7am to 6pm
  • Bossley Park 7.30am to 5.30pm
  • Burwood 7.30am to 6pm
  • Fairfield Heights 8am to 5/5.30pm
  • Glenmore Park 7am to 5pm
  • Guildford West 7.30am to 5.30pm
  • Quakers Hill 7am to 5.30pm

Do you offer an orientation Program?

To help your child feel comfortable and start building a rapport with their primary educators, we suggest that you and your child spend some time with us before their enrolment begins. An orientation visit is typically scheduled to occur one or two mornings or afternoons just before your child starts their enrolment. For your orientation visit, please arrive either by 10:00 am (for morning visits) or 2:30 pm (for afternoon visits) and plan to stay for up to one hour. During the orientation visit, a family member should accompany your child. 

For children with additional needs, toddlers, or those who may feel particularly anxious, we recommend arranging two orientation visits. You can schedule your child’s orientation visit(s) by contacting our service to arrange a suitable date.

Is there a notice period to cancel my child's enrollment?

To ensure smooth transition and proper handling of enrolment cancellations, families are required to provide a two-week written notice. This notice can be submitted via email to the service’s email address or by completing and submitting the service’s Cancellation of Enrolment Form.

It’s important to note that verbal notification to an educator will not be accepted as fulfilling the requirement for two weeks’ written notice.

During the two-week cancellation of enrolment notice period, families may only claim the Child Care Subsidy when the child attends the service.

Please be aware that until Friday, July 10th, 2020, Centrelink will not pay CCS for any days following your child’s last physical attendance. Full fees will be charged for any absence days after the child’s last physical attendance until the end of the two-week notice period, in accordance with the Cessation of Care rules mandated for all services.

Effective July 13th, 2020, families can receive Child Care Subsidy for absences occurring up to seven days before or after a child’s expected physical attendance at the service. These absences can be due to reasons outlined in the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment’s Absences from Childcare Fact Sheet, including illness of the child, carer, or family member, service changes, family tragedies, or incorrect cessation of enrolment.

How will I know what my child did during the day?

At Kids World Kindy, we keep you updated both informally and formally on your child’s daily activities and learning experiences.

We utilise Kinderloop, an electronic documentation platform, to share your child’s learning journey with you. Our educators use smart devices to capture special moments, daily activities, events, and photos in real-time. Additionally, Kinderloop allows them to report on daily routines such as eating and sleeping schedules.

Rest assured, Kinderloop is secure and private. Access to our Kinderloop is limited to families currently enrolled in our service, invited family members, and our educators. Upon enrollment, you’ll receive an email from Kinderloop inviting you to set up a username and password, granting you access to the Kids World Kindy Kinderloop.

What happens when my child is unwell?

Your child’s well-being is paramount to their ability to thrive and enjoy their time with us. We stress the importance of your cooperation in keeping your child at home when they’re unwell, as this not only benefits your child but also helps prevent the spread of infections to other children and families. For families with work or study commitments, we recommend planning ahead for these situations to ensure you’re prepared for days when your child is too sick to attend.

If your child is ill and unable to attend, please notify the service by phone. It’s also essential to inform us if your child has an infectious illness so we can alert other families via our noticeboard, providing information about the illness and symptoms to watch out for.

Should your child become ill while at the service, we’ll promptly contact you so you can arrange to collect them or designate another adult to do so on your behalf. In case we’re unable to reach you, we’ll contact the emergency contacts listed on your child’s enrollment form. If medical attention is necessary, we’ll seek it without delay.

For more details, please refer to the Parent Information Handbook.

Our Curriculum

What type of educational Program do you provide?

What can you expect?

We teach with Little Learners Love Literacy® – a structured and explicit program with engaging multisensory activities. It is carefully sequenced in four stages to teach children the 44 sounds of the English language and the principles of the alphabetic code (that each speech sound can be represented by different groups of letters, such as the sound /ī/ as in I, sky, pie, ice, cycle, and that a letter (or group of letters) can represent different sounds, such as the letter ‘y’ in yes, gym, funny, sky.

We start with teaching the simple code in Stages 1–4. We will focus on phonics and phonemic awareness to build the strongest foundations for reading and spelling success. We will also focus on building vocabulary and oral language skills to develop equally strong foundations for comprehension and writing.

If you would like to find out more about the program, you can visit the website littlelearnersloveliteracy.com.au, or ask your child’s teacher.

Do you provide a preschool and school readiness program?

Yes, see details below:

Daily Structured Lessons 

  • Each day your child will spend 20-30 minutes participating in a structured lesson plan.
  • For children aged 3 to 5 years this includes – fundamental movement skills, shapes, colour, number, name recognition, pre-reading skills, pre-writing skills, scissor and cutting skills.
  • For children aged 4 to 5 years (the year before they commence Primary School) – name writing, phonemic awareness, oral language development and foundations for reading and spelling.

Little Learners Love Literacy® Program

  • We teach with Little Learners Love Literacy® – a structured and explicit program with engaging multisensory activities. It is carefully sequenced in four stages to teach children the 44 sounds of the English language and the principles of the alphabetic code (that each speech sound can be represented by different groups of letters, such as the sound /ī/ as in I, sky, pie, ice, cycle, and that a letter (or group of letters) can represent different sounds, such as the letter ‘y’ in yes, gym, funny, sky.
  • We start with teaching the simple code in Stages 1–4. We will focus on phonics and phonemic awareness to build the strongest foundations for reading and spelling success. We will also focus on building vocabulary and oral language skills to develop equally strong foundations for comprehension and writing.
  • If you would like to find out more about the program, you can visit the website littlelearnersloveliteracy.com.au, or ask your child’s teacher.

PreLit Early Literacy Preparation Program

  • Children will also participate in the PreLit early literacy preparation program developed by Macquarie University. The PreLit program comprises of a shared storybook reading program and will assist the children with phonological awareness and oral language development through Structured Book Reading.

What extracurricular activities are offered to the children?

As each centre offers different extra curricular activities based on the interests of families, please speak directly to your centre for further information and details.

What is play based learning?

Play-based learning embraces various forms of play and acknowledges the deliberate roles that both children and educators play in facilitating children’s learning experiences. Through interactions with peers and adults, children forge relationships, explore ideas, challenge each other’s perspectives, and construct new knowledge. Play serves as both a setting (a physical environment where play occurs) and a mechanism (a method of learning and teaching) for children to inquire, problem-solve, and engage in critical thought. By fostering discovery, creativity, improvisation, and imagination, play-based learning offers avenues for children to develop and expand their cognitive capacities while nurturing a positive attitude towards learning.

Intentional play-based learning can broaden children’s cognitive horizons and cultivate a curiosity-driven approach to learning. Children demonstrate purposefulness and autonomy in play by making decisions about their playmates, activities, and interactions. As children become deeply engrossed in their play, their brains are stimulated, fostering the formation of neural pathways and connections. Through play, children actively plan, develop characters, resolve challenges, enhance self-awareness, and acquire social skills such as negotiation and collaboration. Their immersion in play exemplifies how the act of playing fosters a sense of joy and fulfilment.

The Enrolment Process

How Do I Enrol?

To enrol your child at our childcare centre you must first be on our waitlist. Once your child spot has been secured within our centre, follow these steps:

  1. Once you’ve been offered a spot at our centre, you’ll need to complete the following forms: Enrolment form (available in both paper and digital formats). Baby Form Addition (only required for children aged 0 to 12 months, available in paper format only).
  2. Provide your direct debit details for payment processing.
  3. Submit your child’s immunisation record and birth certificate.
  4. Initiate a claim for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and provide the Centrelink Reference Numbers (CRNs) on your child’s enrolment form.

How Do I join the waitlist?

To join our Waitlist, please head over to our waitlist page and submit an online waitlist application to the centre you are interested in.

Can I come in for a tour?

We highly recommend scheduling a centre tour before finalising your decision to enrol. To arrange a tour, simply reach out to our centres and speak with our staff to book your visit.

What is the Child Care Subsidy (CCS)?

The Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is a government initiative designed to alleviate families’ childcare expenses across various childcare services such as Centre Based Day Care, Family Day Care, or Outside School Hours Care.

At all Kids World Kindy childcare centres, we are registered to facilitate the Child Care Subsidy (CCS), ensuring families can benefit from reduced out-of-pocket costs.

For parents new to the childcare journey, we highly recommend initiating the CCS application process as soon as possible to maximise savings. For additional information and assistance, please visit Services Australia.

Am I eligible for the Child Care Subsidy?

If your family earns below $530,000 you may be entitled to CCS from 10 July. Check your eligibility by making a claim using your Centrelink online account through myGov or your Express Plus Centrelink mobile app. If you have more than one child aged 5 or under in early childhood education and care, you can get a higher rate of CCS for one or more of your children. Services Australia will work out if you’re eligible.

Where can I find my Child Immunisation History Statement?

You can find your Child Immunisation History Statement through various methods:

  1. By Contacting the AIR (Australian Immunisation Register) at 1800 653 809 or acir@medicareaustralia.gov.au
  2. Accessing Medicare Online
  3. Visiting your local Department of Human Services Service Centre, Medicare Office, or Centrelink office.

What is a Medical Action plan?

A medical management plan outlines the actions and procedures to be followed in the event of an incident related to a child’s specific healthcare needs, allergies, or relevant medical conditions. This plan is supported by the child’s treating doctor and serves as a guide for caregivers and educators in addressing any health-related concerns or emergencies that may arise.

Payment of Childcare Fees

How often do I need to pay my childcare fees?

Childcare fees are paid weekly through Direct Debit. The Direct Debit payment cycle deducts fees every Thursday from your nominated bank account. It’s important for families to ensure that there are sufficient funds available in their account each Thursday to cover the payment.

Will there be any charges incurred when the centre deducts direct debit payments

It is a condition of enrolment that your childcare fees are paid by Direct Debit. Prior to the commencement of enrolment, a family must provide details of their nominated bank account or credit card. The cost to families will be minimal, $0.55 cents per transaction from a bank account, 1.50% from Visa/Mastercard and 4.40% from Amex. Failed payment fee $9.99.

Will I be charged fees when my child is absent from childcare?

Payment of fees on Child Absent Days – Upon commencement of enrolment fees are charged to your account whether your child is present or absent on enrolment days (includes public holidays) until the position is cancelled by the family by giving two weeks written notice. 

Is there a later arrival fee?

Yes, there is a late arrival fee. If a child is left at the Service past closing time, a late fee of $10.00 is charged for every 5 minutes. This fee will be added to your child’s next fee payment.

Does the Centre charge fees during the Christmas closure period?

No, the Centre does not charge fees during the Christmas closure period. The Centre is closed for this duration, and no fees are incurred during this time.

What happens on Public Holidays?

During the year the centre is closed on public holidays – however these days must be paid for as the centre must still pay staff, rent, etc. on these days.

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