Did you know that when children are young their brains are like sponges? They are eager to get new experiences, learn new words and new behaviors. These early years leave a great impression on the rest of a child’s development. This is when you can home in and mould the child holistically. Below is a list of the top benefits of good early child education. Read on!
1. Social skills
It is important that your child learns how to socialise with other children in a safe environment. As part of the Early Years Learning Framework, Kids World Kindy emphasis on play-based learning which teaches young children how to communicate and socialise with their peers on a holistic level. This helps children become confident and involved learners.
2. Learning teamwork
Our educators give priority to nurturing relationships and providing each child with consistent emotional support which will assist your child to develop the skills and understandings they need to interac tpositively with others. At Kids World Kindy we help children to learn about their responsibilities to others, to appreciate their connectedness and interdependence as learners, and to value collaboration and teamwork (Department of Education, Employment and Work Place Relations, 2019)
3. Diversity and Respect
Early childhood education helps young children to develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities and an understanding of the reciprocal rights and responsibilities necessary for active community participation. Educators promote this learning by providing opportunities for children to investigate ideas, complex concepts and ethical issues that are relevant to theirlives and their local communities(Department of Education, Employment and Work Place Relations, 2019).
4. Language and Literacy
Children’s use of their home languages underpins their sense of identity and their conceptual development. In early childhood education, children feel a sense of belonging when their language, interaction styles and ways of communicating are valued. They have the right to be continuing users of their home language as well as to develop competency in Standard Australian English.Literacy and numeracy capabilities are important aspects of communication and are vital for success full earning across the curriculum when children are engaged in early childhood education.
At Kids World Kindy we take pride in providing the best childcare in Merry lands. Our staff are professional, and each child is prioritised. Contact us today and we will take you on a tour of our facilities.